Israel, Astrology and the Future


Israel, Astrology and the Future


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Horoscope for Israel 59 years

By Jmag Staff and Yaakov Kronenberg

Each new year for the Jewish homeland, we ask our 'resident' astrologer, Yaakov Kronenberg, to give us the load down on the coming year. Since the state of Israeli's new year is May 14, we spoke with Yaakov to hear what he had to say.

Just to review what he had told us previously in Horoscope for Israel, 2006 We are quoting below what he had told us then, about a year ago:

Starting with the leading personality, Ehud Olmert is the new figure who has taken over the reigns from Ariel Sharon. His chart shows that he is a talented man, with much energy and ability to get along with people and groups, but he has many of his planets in fall and in detriment. (Ehud Barak has the same problem as Olmert.) This aspect causes him to operate in a very physical manner as opposed to spiritual, - meaning that he does not operate according to ideals or philosophy, rather he concerned with getting what he can in this world.

In addition to this, he has a very powerful conjunction of four planets, Neptune, Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter. The Sun with Neptune makes him very egotistical; Jupiter makes him think that he is better than every one else. The most dangerous aspect is the conjunction of Neptune with Mercury. A person with this aspect can do any deed in the world and convince himself that he is correct. This is the aspect that we will unfortunately be seeing more of in the future.

Looking at his position without the stars, he appears secure in his office and popularity. From viewpoint of the stars, we see a much different story.

From the side of Israel's national chart, Saturn is still very powerful and malicious in the house of the ruling party. This will lead to the downfall in the coming year of the Israeli government.

The economy should continue to grow, but it looks like inflation will begin to sprout again. This will cause interest rates to go up accordingly.

In terms of security, we are going to see trouble with our neighbors as usual. Israel is going to be concerned with their world image, trying to increase their "righteousness" in relations to the Hamas. Unfortunately it is questionable if the world will agree with them, and it is a matter of time until the world begins to agree with Hamas. It seems that there will be legal troubles for the country since Pluto is going over the country's Jupiter.

We asked Yaakov what did he now see in the stars. He replied stating that a birthday is a major thing in a person's life in terms of the stars; what major event that happen to a person generally happen around their birthday. The same is true with nations; many things that happen to a country will happen around the time of its birthday. In this year we see that a major event is fomenting in Israel around the time of its birthday – Israeli Independence Day - which is the report about the Lebanese War and the subsequent events that are unfolding before our eyes.

This year's chart's for Israel show a number of points which stand out.

First of all, the planet which rules the government, Mars, is in the 29th degree of Pisces which indicates a lack of energy. A sign has 30 degrees and now it is in the last degree of that sign which means that it is leaving one sign and going into another. This tells us that it has neither positive nor negative energy, but it is rather at a point of transition from one source of energy to another. When the planet is in the 29th degree, its time has passed. So also Olmert, his time has past, his government has no energy and exists only in name with no ability to function.

Now we must see what will replace it.

The chart for Israel for this coming year is very, very weak. Like a person who has been suffering for an illness for years and has never tried to overcome the illness and the illness is very difficult to overcome. Similarly, the state of Israel is in a very weakened state. This is not lost on our enemies. The planet Saturn is now in the house of our enemies which means that we will be dealing with very determined enemies that see us as being weak. They will have no mercy upon us, as Saturn is very merciless.

The sun which is rulership and power is in the house of the opposition party. This means that a new government will take over, and not be from anyone in the present government. Before we said that Mars was in the 29th degree of Pisces which is the weakest sign of physical strength in the zodiac and now it is now moving into Aries, the planet of war and belligerence. This means that the country is going to try to turn around the weakness into a show of strength. The new government will try to over compensate for the previous government's mistakes.

There seems to be really good chance for a war this year. Where it will come from is not clear, perhaps Syria, but it is not clear. What ever new government is going to reassert the strength of the country which could mean taking action again in Gaza to prevent them from doing what Hezbollah has done on the Northern border. I do not think that we will be involved with Iran; it is possible though that America will make some attempt to limit their nuclear growth.

Business wise, we are going to see swings in the stock market. The past few years were very good and now it is going to become more volatile. The planets of volatility, Uranus and Mar are in the house of money. There will be many reversals of fortunes in the coming year. It is very possible that the world market will also be volatile and will effect here.

Israel does not have natural resources but it does have a highly developed and intelligent population. Unfortunately many of the most talented people are leaving. This is because the country is so weak that talented people see other countries as offering more. But the level of production of the country is based on its inhabitants that are very industrious who have a high degree of learning. This is in contrast to other countries that have much natural resources but a population that can not work efficiently. One of the biggest problems is to keep talented people here and find them better jobs.

This will not be the best of years. It will be a transition year - a year of drastic changes, especially in politics. Hopefully something will be learned from it all. Next year has possibilities to be much better.

* * * * *

Questions to Yaakov may be sent to:


from the May 2007 Edition of the Jewish Magazine

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